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Dell MultiCloud Data Services - Solutions|Cloud Solutions

Dell MultiCloud Data Services chennai, hyderabad

Dell MultiCloud Data Services

  • Hosting, cloud connectivity, storage, and data protection platforms are all provided by MultiCloud Data Services as fully managed services. You may use your data on-premises and simultaneously access it from several public clouds thanks to PowerMax, PowerStore, PowerProtect, and PowerScale, as well as Faction's networking intellectual property. Disaster recovery over several clouds, test and development, and distributed high performance computing are examples of typical use cases.
  • As more and more applications are moved to the cloud, the ability to transfer workloads between clouds and perform flexible, straightforward backups and restores of data stored in the public cloud becomes quite significant and enables businesses to decide where to operate their workloads. With assurance and at a low cost-to-protection, Multi-Cloud Data Services for Dell EMC PowerProtect secures data stored in many public clouds from a single location.

Multi-Cloud Data Protection:-

  • Trusted and Centralized
  • Cost-Effective
  • Reduce Management Overhead.

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